• exhibition
  • (digital) Soba Choko

  • Exposition

  • from 13.12.2023
  • to 14.04.2024
  • curator
  • Jean-Louis Boissier
  • scénographie
  • Béatrice Selleron
  • Le Signe

The cup called soba choko has a long and popular history in Japan. This artistic research project presented at le Signe, (digital) Soba Choko, focuses on this object that allows an experimentation of cultural, artistic, technical and commercial exchanges and also an observation of the current and historical interweaving of what is digital in how it is related to fingers and to ideas, and also as a method of organisation and context.

The shape and the dimensions of the soba choko are especially stable: a truncated cone measuring 6 cm at the base, 8 cm at the opening. This constance bears a wide range of matters, textures, patterns, signs and even uses. This singularity arouses an appeal for discovering and collecting the object and also wits its popular nature, keeping away from splendour and luxury.

The project deals with the soba choko as an object capable of questioning a whole series of meanings of the term digital, with its ambivalence ( digital in IT and manual), which now offers as many solutions as problems. Once the question (digital) Soba Choko is posed, an intelligent and poetic pursuit is possible, by means of constructing, appearing, designating, interacting. Digital calls upon hands and ideas, it is at the same time method and context.

This project is an augmented version of the exhibition presented at the CCC at la Borne in December 2022.

Featuring exceptional loans from the Lugdunum Museum in Lyon, the Fine-Arts and Archeological Museum of Besançon, the Municipal Museum of Nuits-Saint-Georges and the Art and History Museum of Chaumont.

  • Réalisation et production

    Association de recherches artistiques Transports
    Communauté de Communes Terres du Haut Berry
    Centre céramique contemporaine La Borne
    Association céramique La Borne
    Centre national du graphisme Le Signe
    avec le concours de EUR ArTeC et de l’Université des arts de Nagoya

  • Recherches et documentation

    Liliane Terrier

  • Films documentaires

    Fanny Terno, Thomas Vauthier

  • Artiste invité d’honneur

    Xin Ye

  • Artistes invité.e.s sur projet

    Sara Ouhaddou, Takehisa Mashimo, Hajime Takeuchi


  • Centre céramique contemporaine La Borne

    par Claire Linard et Anne Reverdy

  • École supérieure d’art et de design TALM-Le Mans

    par Felix Agid, Olivier Chouteau, Ianis Lallemand et Natsuko Uchino

  • École supérieure d’art et de design Orléans

    par Olivier Bouton, Virginie Péchard et Caroline Zahnd

  • Université des arts de Tokyo

    par Ido Ferber

  • École nationale supérieure d’art et de design de Nancy

    par Nabil Ben Ameur, Alexandre Brugnoni et Béatrice Selleron

Avec les céramistes et peintres Carmen Albendea, Laurence André, Cécile Bicler, Laurence Blasco-Mauriaucourt, Étienne Boissier, Marie Delafosse, Marie Drouot, Marie-Anne Dudouit, Fabrique de poteries de Cliousclat, Claire Linard, Maya Micenmacher, Mari Minato, Camila Oliveira Fairclough, Christine Pedley, Anne Reverdy, Émilie Vanhaecke, Florence Wang, Yué Wu

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